Thursday, January 24, 2008


Web Hosting And Design Services Companies

Huge businesses and organizations spend a lot of time and money creating magnificent websites that are of top quality in terms of their looks and programming capabilities. Very often, they get disappointed when they approach their web hosting service provider to launch their brilliant sites because of server incompatibilities. Some of them realize that parts of their website's functionality do not work correctly when hosted on to their server; some of them realize that a particular service, which would be the core to their business model, could not be implemented on their server. In such situations, these companies have to spend additional time and money to make their website functionalities compatible with their server specifications.

All of this happens because of the gulf that exists between the web design company and the web hosting service provider. This could be avoided to a certain extent by having your web design company communicate with your web hosting company before your website is built. However, this may not be an apt solution because your web hosting company has to be cooperative in responding to your web design company.

The ideal solution in such situations is to look for companies that will offer both services. There are many companies today that offer multiple services. Therefore, you need to find a reliable company that offers both web design and web hosting services. You will win a great advantage by hiring such a company to take care of your web design and web hosting needs. You do not have to worry about wasting your time and money in restructuring your website to make it compatible to your hosting server. While analyzing your requirements itself, the web design team will be able to advise you on any issues that may rise later or at least take care of the issues during the development phase.

If you are new to online business and just setting up your new website then the above points are very pertinent to you. As a fresher to the field, you will not be able to make wise decisions on the features and functions of your website that will lead to functional efficiency of your website. Very often, it happens that the new comer finds it difficult to translate what their web hosting company says in terms of server compatibility, Operating System, scripts etc to their web design company. This inadequacy of the website owner leads to the delay in the completion of their website. If they have not anticipated this delay but planned to have their website launched before a certain season to promote their business, there is a great danger of missing their deadline, defeating the whole purpose of having a website.

Hiring a company that offers both web design and web hosting service will also help you in the long run. This will help your website maintenance become much easier. Every website needs periodic maintenance at hosting levels and at design levels to ensure continued efficiency of operation of the website. Therefore, when it comes to website maintenance, you need not have to run to two different vendors. You can have them all done from the same vendor. It is all the better to get your website maintenance service from those who developed your website.

Founder and actual CEO, Ricardo d'Argence has been in the field for more than ten years. is now one of the biggest web hosting providers in Mexico. Blog50130
Essy Blog32697

The Dream Of An Online Home Business

All over the world, thousands of people ask the question : Is it possible to make money with an online home business?

They have a dream of a life in freedom. They dream of being able to get loose from the nine to five ball and chain. They want to get free from the daily mind-numbing commute. They want financial independence.

The dream is about working from home, or to be able to work at the beach in a tropical paradise. The question is still unanswered. Is it possible to make money with an online home business? Or is it just a dream?

From time to time, some doom-sayer comes out from the shelter and predicts the end of small business on the Internet. It will be only the big businesses that can make it on the Net. Small home businesses will not stand a chance. Is there any reason to listen to these prophets of doom?

Let me answer that question with an example. Some years ago, the end of the Internet itself was predicted. It is beyond any doubt, that the Internet is here to stay. Online home business is also here to stay.

Day by day, more and more consumers get onto the Internet, they are shopping. They are spending money! As it becomes more and more convenient to shop online, Internet shopping increases every year. New payment processors make it safe and more easy to use credit cards online.

Broadband connections make it easy like a finger snap to download large files of e-books, audio, video, and other software.

As more and more merchants make their products and services available, Online shopping is becoming a natural part of many people's lives. It is so convenient and effective.

How to make money with an online home business?

As in the ordinary business world, if you can fill a need, you can make money. Find a niche. Find your passion. Offer your expertise, products or services to people who share your passion.

Give people what they want and you will make money with your online business

Small business will always have a great chance of success on the Internet. There will always be a place for you, if you can offer a different approach, create a better product or if you can fill a unique need.

If you offer a service or a product that is a little different, a little better, your online home business can dominate a niche market.

The Internet offers many fine opportunities to start a small business. Once you go a head and build a real online business, you will reap the rewards. Create your own online home business, that comes with the freedom you dream of.

All you need is a goal, a good plan to reach your goal, and the perseverance to follow your plan until you reach your goal. Get these three factors in place, sooner or later you will have the opportunity to work from wherever you want.

Ove Nordkvist share his more than 25 years of entrepreneur experience at his web site You'll find free download able master courses, tools and informative articles.Fredelia Blog12145
Ernesta Blog91524

Ultimate List Building Exposed

Do you know what a funnel is?

Yes, of course you do! Likely you know what a sales funnel is too!

But just for those of you who you dont its a simple process of taking a visitor and funnelling them through a process..

In its basic format it looks something like this

Opt in
Second sale
Third sale
Ongoing sales
Eventual Travel through funnel

Now in this process you have information, support, guidance, up selling, cross selling, down selling and back end selling You may have training, cloning and a truckload of other goodies going on..

People may leave this funnel at any given point, but you can control to some point how they leave your processing.

That information is all for future reports (which we will be adding from time to time in our new site).

Many people in Internet Marketing have asked me..
How do I get people into my list to begin with..?

Well there are MANY ways, but one that I personally love and one that I know my own mentor teaches is

Get them at FREE or BETTER than FREE!

So what can you give to someone that is better than free that will help you to build your list?

Well, lets look at that in more detail first.

Have a process in mind when you start this step.. Understand where you are leading your visitor, do not just think one step ahead, have a plan, a goal, a purpose and to quote what Mike Filsaime teaches.. Begin with the end in Mind.

My latest quote, one that I think I lay claim to is this..

Focus lets you see further on down the road Action, takes you there

So combining the two methods above, we already have a strong guiding force to ensure we build that list.

One is to have the focus, the foresight to know where we are headed, where we want to take our members on their journey and we also have the strategy implemented, we are taking action to put this machine in motion.

I call it a machine, because provided you set this right, you could in reality have a detachment from the whole process once it kicks into motion and you could simply become an observer and watch the whole process unfold..

Lets look at flower arranging as my example.. Lets say that this was my area of expertise, then I would probably start with a free eBook or better still a free video on basic flower arranging techniques and or tips

That would be something my audience would be interested in, and they would be willing to share their email address for!

What is the cost of this method?

Well, there are MANY things you could use, and you do not even have to create them yourself.

Think about original marketing techniques Offline, you would have to pay to advertise in a magazine, newspaper or journal in your field. You could pay for leaflets, inserts, TV ads, Radio ads, Business Cards, gift items with your contact information on and much more to spread the word about your business.. But this would not come cheap!

Now you can set up a web site, create a product at a very low budget and then give that away for free in return for the right to market to them in future their email address..

Better still, you create a method for making money on the upsell to this free exchange and then you give that first upsell to your members to keep a high percentage of the profit.. This makes them an affiliate of your product, and they will then advertise on your behalf..

The incentive for them is income and to let people know about a great service or product you have and you get more names on your list to market to for the future

Visit Dale Williams at and discover tips, tricks and secrets that will quickly boost your online sales, profits and help you establish your niche business. Veronica Blog31078
Erinn Blog24501

Getting Business for Your Home Business

Home businesses, like other businesses, aren't successful just because they exist. If you want to work at home, you have to learn about marketing a home based business.

Marketing depends in large part on the type of business you have. Marketing on the internet works for most kinds of home business. Even if you plan the bulk of your business from your local area, a website adds professionalism. When sending emails, make sure you include information about your business in your signature file.

Of course, if your home based business is also internet-based, it is essential for you to learn to market on the internet. Techniques for marketing a home based business on the web include pay-per-click advertising, weblogs, and your website. You can also network online through message boards and mailing lists.

An often overlooked tool for marketing a home based business is staying in touch with former clients. You can do this through the phone or through email. Email is often the preferred choice because potential clients look at email when they have time and are not interrupted to do it, as they are on the phone. When emailing former clients, let them know you enjoyed working with them and want them to remember you for future projects.

Look for ways to meet potential customers. Go to trade meetings or conventions. For example, if you are selling pet products, attend dog shows and county fairs.

The major ways to for marketing a home based business are similar to other businesses. Find customers you can serve and find ways to let them know you exist. After they become clients, serve them well and ask for future business. This is how you keep your business running.

Markus Koeck writes about to find the the best home business ideas and opportunities for people who want work from home,visit: http://www.moneybuzzer.comFarrand Blog58224
Fawnia Blog15552

Amalgamate Your Debts!!! Personal Bad Debt Consolidation Loans

Consolidation of your debts

Most of the people these days are having more than one debt with them. These debts can be combination of loans, unpaid credit cards bills, electricity or gas or other utility bills and other forms of credit. Repaying all this debt is a difficult task full of trouble and hefty calculations while maintaining your budget. Consolidation of debts can help you out here by reducing all your monthly debt payments. This can be done through the help of a personal bad debt consolidation loans.

Personal bad debt consolidation loans

Personal bad debt consolidation loans are the perfect partner for an individual facing trouble in repaying his debts and need respite in form of consolidating his debts. With the help of a personal bad debt consolidation loan amount you can repay all your debts at once. The benefit here is that you will only have to make a single monthly repayment which will easily fit into your pocket at low interest rates.

Form of personal bad debt consolidation loans

If you are a homeowner or having any asset offer as collateral to the lender, you can easily get a secured personal bad debt consolidation loan, else an unsecured loan will suit you with slightly higher rates but faster approvals.

Bad debt or bad credit holders

Personal bad debt consolidation loans are specially meant for the people with a bad credit score i.e. CCJs and IVAs, defaulters and arrears etc. These loans helps them recover from there bad credit simultaneously clearing their debts.

Things you need to ask the lender for while selecting a personal bad debt consolidation loan

1. What fees will apply to the loan?
2. What is the interest rate on the loan?
3. What are the payments on the loan?
4. Will the loan adversely affect my credit rating?

Search to apply

You can get the free quotes for personal bad debt consolidation loans through online website. You can compare these quotes and select the best one among them. The best here means a loan quote which not only suits your requirements but also is easy to handle while making repayments. Afterwards you can fill an online application for with personal details, loan amount, residential status and other requisite details.

After debt consolidation through personal bad debt consolidation loans

Once you get the hold of your debts through a personal bad debt consolidation loan, you should take measures to avoid further debts and manage loan repayments easily. You can take the help of credit counseling, debt management programs or debt management plans etc to stop the debts from arising further and letting you enjoy a stress-less life.

Eva Baldwyn aims to inform common men and women of the several issues involved in personal loans and mortgages through her articles. An MSc in Economics & Finance from the Warwick Business School is proof enough of the knowledge that she possesses in the field of finance. To find Personal bad debt consolidation loan, Bad debt consolidation, Bad credit debt consolidation loan,Credit card debt consolidation loan visit Blog26207
Fawne Blog78427

The Art Of Website Storytelling

Marketing and its little brother advertising are all about storytelling. It doesn't matter if you are talking about a display ad for a magazine or a Web-video for your website or for a Google Video Ad, if it doesn't tell a story then it's not going to do the job.

When people asked us what we did, we used to tell them we were a website design firm that specialized in audio and video, today we tell them we are corporate storytellers. If you aren't telling your story you are not going to meet your marketing goals.

If you want to know how to tell your corporate story well, or even if you want to hire someone to do it for you, you at least need to know what makes a good story; and the best place to learn is the home of storytelling, Hollywood.

Learn From The Experts

If you want to learn how to tell your corporate story on the Web using video, you could do worse than reading Blake Snyder's book, "Save The Cat.' Blake is a successful Hollywood screenwriter and his book provides a lot of inspiration for aspiring screenwriters, but if you are like me and see marketing as the Art of Storytelling, then you can learn a lot about how to create Web-marketing videos and complete marketing websites that effectively deliver your marketing message and help you meet your business goals.

Movies are made up of scenes and 'beats.' The average movie has about forty of these scenes. In order to organize these scenes, screenwriters describe each scene on a 3x5 index card with color-coded notations. The important thing for us as crass commercial business people intent on selling our products and services is that each card is a story in and of itself. Think of each card as a commercial for a specific product or service you sell. If you string a bunch of these together, one for each product or service, you have a multimedia website that tells your marketing story.

Provide The Change and Solve The Conflict

In 'Save The Cat' Snyder refers to colleague Robert McKee who has a technique that he uses, one that you may want to consider next time you are thinking of initiating a marketing campaign. McKee uses two notations (plus sign, minus sign and greater than sign, less than sign) at the bottom of each card followed by a sentence of explanation. The plus and minus sign notation refers to the emotional change that the protagonist undergoes during that scene. If the protagonist hasn't changed in some way, if he or she hasn't been affected, then you don't have a viable scene or presentation.

The second notation (greater than sign and less than sign) describes the conflict in the scene. All stories must have conflict and commercials or advertisements are no different.

Think of your average laundry detergent commercial. The woman of the house, excuse the sexist reference, starts off being unhappy (emotional distress) with her dull and dingy clothes. Her kids, spouse, and dog are constantly creating an increasing pile of laundry that never seems to get totally clean (conflict). By the end of the commercial with the use of your wonderful new formulation of laundry soap, she solves her problem. The clothes are clean and bright and she no longer resents her family (conflict resolved) and she is now a happy mother and wife (emotional change). It may sound pretty sappy when laid-out this way, but that is the way it works. And that, at least in part, is how you create Web-advertisements and marketing campaigns that tell a story.

Mission Statements vs. Loglines and High Concept

No matter who you are or what you do, you are a salesman. We are all constantly selling whether we are aware of it or not. You had to sell yourself to your 'significant other' and if you have children you are continuously selling them on how they should behave. At the office, even if you aren't in sales, you are forever selling your ideas to colleagues or trying to convince staff to get the job done the way you want it done. We are all salesman, all the time.

If you have been in business as long as I have you will have written your share of business plans, mission statements and all. You present your plan to 'The Man' and the first thing he or she does is flip to the last page of your beautiful thirty page color laser printed document to look at the projected financial statements. Why ask for a business plan if you're not going to read it? As far as the ubiquitous Missions Statement is concerned, for most businesses it has become nothing more than a platitude-laden piece of gobbledygook.

Because we live in such a fast paced world, our sales techniques have to be efficient, engaging, and effective. As we stated earlier business executives can learn a lot from successful screenwriters like Blake Snyder.

Snyder talks a lot about 'loglines', which are short one or two sentence synopses of movie or television concepts. They appear on the surface to sound a lot like 'mission statements' but they may provide a slightly different perspective on what has become an exercise in b-school-jargon mumbo jumbo.

Whether you are developing a new Web-marketing campaign for your company or a complete new website, you could do worse than start with a well-defined logline and title. It will put the entire project into focus, provide a reference so you don't get sidetracked, and it will provide a great 'elevator pitch' when you need to deliver the essence of your business in thirty-seconds. Believe it or not, fifty million dollar movie concepts are sold on the basis of a logline and movie title. They are in short, everything that you need to sell an idea and they are only one or two sentences long.

What's A Logline?

A website, or marketing campaign logline is your company's 'high concept' idea. It is a one or two line statement that answers specific questions. It should also be accompanied by a project title, and if you really want to get fancy, you can add what the 'old-timers' used to call a "One-Sheet" or movie poster style visual or video trailer for the campaign.

To find out what your high concept is, answer these questions, and if you can't, then maybe it's back to the drawing board:

1. What is your project, website, or ad campaign all about: what is its purpose?

2. Who is the audience for this presentation?

3. How will your audience be emotionally affected?

4. What personal or business conflict does your product or service resolve?

5. Do your words paint a memorable mental image?

6. Does the project title capture the audience's attention with an engaging hook?

A good campaign logline will help you maintain focus so your project will be fine-tuned to achieve its purpose. Even if the project does not meet expectations, by keeping on track, you will be able to analysis what went wrong and learn how to improve the next campaign.

Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video. Visit Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.Fayre Blog49044
Vanda Blog79822

What is the Foreign Exchange?

Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The off exchange retail foreign currency market ( FOREX ) is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $1.9 trillion daily. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location, no central exchange.

It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another, spanning from one zone to another across the major financial centers. Traditionally, investors' only means of gaining access to the foreign exchange market was through banks that transacted large amounts of currencies for commercial and investment purposes.

Trading volume has increased rapidly over time, especially after exchange rates were allowed to float freely in 1971. High liquidity - The Forex market with an average trading volume of over $1.9 trillion per day. It is the most liquid market in the world.

Low transaction cost - The retail transaction cost (the bid/ask spread) is typically less than 0.1% (10 pips or points) under normal market conditions. At larger dealers, the spread could be smaller. Uncorrelated to the stock market - A trader in the Forex market involves selling or buying one currency against another.

Thus, there is no correlation between the foreign currency market and the stock market. Bull market or a bear market for a currency is defined in terms of the outlook for its relative value against other currencies. If the outlook is positive, we have a bull market in which a trader profits by buying the currency against other currencies.

Conversely, if the outlook is pessimistic, we have a bull market for other currencies and traders take profits by selling the currency against other currencies. In either case, there is always a good market trading opportunity for a trader. Inter-bank market - The backbone of the Forex market consists of a global network of dealers.

They are mainly major commercial banks that communicate and trade with one another and with their clients through electronic networks and telephones. There are no organized exchanges to serves a central location to facilitate transactions the way the New York Stock Exchange serves the equity markets. The Forex market operates in a manner similar to the way the NASDAQ market in the United States operates, thus it is also referred to as an over the counter ( OTC ) market.

No one can corner the market - The Forex market is so vast and has so many participants that no single entity, not even a central bank, can control the market price for an extended period of time. Even interventions by mighty central banks are becoming increasingly ineffectual and short lived. Thus central banks are becoming less and less inclined to intervene to manipulate market prices.

Copyright (c) 2007 Mark Molina

My name is Mark Molina. I trade the Forex in a way that most Traditional Forex traders hate. Why? Maybe because it works, maybe because it takes out all the stress that is typically associated with forex trading, who knows? Learn to trade a proven Forex Investment Strategy like I do everyday to create large returns. Get your Free Wealth Builder Tips here and Learn this Strategy:http://ForexDaddy.comFilide Blog76677
Fey Blog29325

7 Ideas For Increasing Your Internet Marketing Presence

Marketing online is a critical part of any marketing plan. Here are seven Internet-based marketing ideas you can integrate into your 2007 marketing plan:

Volunteer for Internet Interviews

Podcasts, Webcasts, blogs, RSS feeds and newsletters (ezines) are all venues for online interviews or discussions. You'll want to approach publishers who regularly conduct interviews with guests of your caliber, so finding opportunities will take some research. Do this by searching general search engines (such as or directories. Some directories to get you started: (podcasts), (ezines), (RSS feeds/blogs)

Approach Bloggers Interested in Your Type of Product

Send your product to bloggers as a gift. You are doing this to expose your product to influencers in your category by giving them an opportunity to try it free (not to bribe or beg them to mention the product). If the bloggers like it, they may give it a mention in their blogs. Note that this is a subtle Internet marketing technique. Choosing to mention (or not mention) your product should be solely up to them.

You can find and read blogs by searching blogging directories such as

Join One or More Online Networks

Online social networks allow you to set up a profile page and interact with others who have your same professional (or personal) interests. Each network has different features and may appeal to a different kind of user. As with all Internet marketing techniques, there are dos and don'ts, so you'll want to read some of the profiles and learn a particular site's rules before aggressively working the network. Some networks to explore:,,,,

Send Out One or More Press Releases

First and foremost, the release must be something newsworthy to the media (if you need ideas, read the article here: Also, be sure to include a link to your Website or blog in the press release. Finally, distribute the release through an online press release service such as

Survey Your Website Visitors

Surveys can help you identify opportunities for improvement. Since online attention spans are very short, try asking a single two-part question such as Fred Reichhold's Ultimate Question: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend __________." Fill in the blank with your Website name (or other relevant product). To those who reply with a 6 or lower, ask why they are not more likely to recommend. You should see a pattern in the comments. These will lead to ways of improving your site. There are software packages to help you set up an online survey. Also, is a popular Web interface for producing online surveys.

Convey Patrick Hanlon's 7 Primal Branding Pieces Online

According to Hanlon, the seven "Primal Branding" pieces -- a creation story, creed, icons, rituals, sacred words, nonbelievers and leaders -- form belief systems that inherently attract people who want to believe in a product. Those people form the communities that surround successful products and services. Conveying as many of these as you can online can help build followers online.

Study Your 5 Closest Competitors' Websites and Online Marketing Activities

By studying the competition you will not only gain a better understanding of trends in your industry, but also gain new insights into promotional strategies for your own business. As you research, brainstorm a list of ideas and use that list to plan a new online strategy or technique for your own business.

There you have it -- seven ideas for improving your Internet marketing presence. Integrate one or more into your 2007 marketing plan and you'll be on your way to greater success.

Bobette Kyle draws upon 15+ years of Marketing/Executive experience, online marketing experience, and marketing MBA as inspiration for her writing. Bobette is proprietor at Web Marketing Place LLC and runs -- -- where you'll find free marketing planning articles and resources. She is also author of the marketing plan and Web promotion book "How Much For Just the Spider? Strategic Website Marketing For Small Budget Business."Faythe Blog13512
Fredelia Blog12145

Small Business Success Secret

The real secret to small business success has doesnt have to do with technology tools, the internet, or anything like that. In fact, its not even a real secret. Its been around since man started to verbalize communiqu. The secret is WORDS!

Words carry enormous power. They can make you laugh hysterically, or destroy the strongest relationship. Words can be more powerful than any other tool at your disposal.

T effective use of words, especially in business, translates into skyrocketing sales, satisfied clients, happy employees, and a profitable and secure future. Yet, less than 1% of small entrepreneur businesses use words to their full potential.

The power of words can be learned and used effectively by anyone, and when you harness and unleash this power, theres nothing on this earth that can stop you. This art of using words is what is called copy writing. It makes or breaks your sales and advertising material. A true word smith can forge the most potent of copy for their site.

One of the ways an amateur copywriter, one who is writing for her own product or business, can beat the experienced pro is by infusing the sales letter or ad with her own, honest, genuine, and unmitigated enthusiasm. When selling in online, enthusiasm is just as important as in face-to-face selling.

This is why you cant just sit down and write an ad on command, like you can sit down and do bookkeeping. You have to muster up some enthusiasm for the job and the proposition youre putting across.

If Im going to write an ad or some other sales material the first thing in the morning, as I often do, I try to set my subconscious mind to work on that job before I go to bed the night before. There are times when I wake up with the big idea that I need and other times I wake up with some ideas and a readiness to write them down and pick and choose which ones I want to use.

Dont force yourself to grind out direct-response copy when you really dont feel like it because the result will be flat and mechanical. It may be technically correct with a headline, subheads, bullet points, an offer, etc., but it will lack spirit and enthusiasm.

The person who is genuinely enthusiastic about what she is selling definitely has an advantage. Thats why the freelance professional copywriter should always download as much of the pitch from the products most enthusiastic salesperson as possible. Then transfer it to paper and shape and mold it to perfection.

Over the years, the work Ive done for clients and ad agencies has proven that the most successful work was for clients that were passionate and enthusiastic about what they were selling. So before you tackle that next ad for your business, make sure youre as enthusiastic about it as you want your clients to be.

Wayne Van Dyck is a former venture capitalist and builder of offline technology companies. He is the founder and developer of Simple Money Machines. Simple Money Machines is all the money making technologies in one, easy-to-use, hosted application enabling non-technical people to set up online businesses in less than 30 minutes. It's made for people with 9-5 jobs, retired folks, stay-at-home moms and college students. To get a FREE copy of STARTING A HOME BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE", go to: Blog31214
Essy Blog95876

An Income Opportunity Proven To Make Money Online

Clearly one of the most proven income generating opportunities for promoting your web site or small internet business is to publish articles online. This is a very simple way to contribute informative content and best of all it is free to use. You do not need to have a lot of experience or be a professional writer, to be able to place articles on your web site. Having articles that are directly related to the theme of the web site, will in turn give you an edge on the competition. By writing an article yourself and submitting it to the directory that you are using to get your articles, you then are feeding the community with great content for everyone to share.

There are literally thousands of these directories of articles on the Internet, being a member of multiple web societies will yield more and more reference materials that you can benefit from. When writing an article that you intend on placing on one of the many directories, it is very important to keep the required formatting in mind, there are some directories that wish for you to use no formatting, this is not a bad thing as in the end it will save you time not having to set the formatting up. Just make sure it is all done in a text document, and all will be fine.

Sometimes the directory will require a keyword or keywords to go along with the article, and may or may not ask for a brief description of the article in a separate box. Along with all this information, it is a great idea for you to have a resource box at the bottom of the article. This is an excellent way for you to give information about you, and the web site or sites you may have. This is an excellent method of self-promotion. The key here is to generate as much traffic to your web site as you can, by efficiently using web content and articles that appeal to people. This is very effective when you find great articles that pertain to your site as a whole.

Here is a helpful hint - Content is king, but the choice of keywords is also an important aspect of your article publication initiatives. Simply place keywords that you use in the keywords metatag of your web site in your title and in the body of the article. You will be giving your web site a boost in the search engine rankings when your article is accepted by the directories and they link back to your web site! You can find the search engine ranking of the article directory easily by installing the Google toolbar on your web browser. You will notice that the article directories have some of the highest rankings of all web sites worldwide! This is due to all the quality submissions and links they get from online publishers.

There is a very good chance that if someone reads an entire article that you have written, that they will be willing to read more of your work. This can easily draw them to your site out of curiosity, and could generate a new sale. This new sale could then be referred to someone else looking for the same product or service, and again draw a new customer. Word of mouth on the Internet is a very powerful tool indeed. So in closing, it is clear that these services known as article directories do have a proven solid purpose in the way of generating more traffic to your intended target and increasing the search engine ranking of that tarket. That target is your web site, an income opportunity proven to make you money online!

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Build your own proven income opportunity at .Eveline Blog53272
Viole Blog12404

How Blogging Affects Mainstream Marketing

here has been a lot of buzz around blogging lately, and for good reason. Weblogs, or blogs for short, are changing the way people market themselves and their businesses.

If you aren't familiar with blogging, the concept is relatively easy to grasp. Blogs first began as a shared online journal. A blogger posted diary-like entries about his or her daily life for others to read.

Recently though, blogging has evolved into a new form of business writing and advertising. Many business owners now use blogs to promote their goods and services. Others use blogs to promote their website and get higher search engine rankings. Some politicians even use blogs to reach voters.

The typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media that is somehow related to the blog topic. Though most blogs focus on textual contant, a blogger may include videos, pictures, and even audio in blog posts. A blog comprised of videos is called a vlog and a blog that uses pictures is called a photoblog.

The Benefits of Blogging

By adding blogging to their marketing campaigns, business owners are able to market their product with virtually no out of pocket expense. In some cases, bloggers may even be able to make large sums of money with their published blog. For example, a blogger who employs the Google Ad Sense program can make money from blog readers. The more readers a blogger has, the more money can be made from the Google ad.

A blogger can also be a guide for shoppers who are looking for specific products and services. This makes blogging an excellent tool for retailers or affiliate marketers. Blogs can also be a source of valuable information and niche industry news.

Because there are virtually limitless possibilities provided by blogging, it is easy to see why blogs have begun to have a significant impact on mainstream marketing practices. Many companies have noticed this and have chosen to hire a blogger to write and post up to date information for customers, shareholders, and employees.

Some blogs now get millions of readers every single day. There are so many blog readers out there, that experts speculate that the world of blogging is rivaling the mainstream media. New blog search engines are also being created to make searching for a blog easier than ever before.

If you have not yet established a blog for your business, you may want to consider doing so as soon as possible. Keep in mind though that it will take work to attract readers to your blog. It must be interesting or valuable to them in some way. A blogger must also concentrate on creating informative pieces that are as honest and up to date as possible. Blogging is serious business and if you make a mistake, it will not go unnoticed by your readership.

If you need help developing your blog, there are many different browser-based software programs on the market that can help you get a start. Blogs can also be hosted by dedicated blogging services or regular web hosting services.

Last, but not least, a blogger must remember to optimize blog writing for search engines. Blogging is an Internet medium and needs to be approached with Internet principles in mind.

Blogging Example

A typical blog entry includes a title or headline, a body of text, a permalink or URL for another web page, and a post date, which indicates the date and time that the post was published. A blogger may also choose to include a link at the bottom to allow readers to post comments on the blog.

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.Fanchette Blog25612
Faith Blog31884

Search Engine Positioning For The Weary

Do you want to get your site from page five to page one in Google? Here are a few tips to boost you on your way.

1. Clean up your HTML.

Keep a beady eye on Dreamweaver, and avoid CMS software.

What, Dreamweaver, beloved program of pro webmasters everywhere?


Dreamweaver adds lots of extra blank space to HTML code, and breaks lines. This is especially irritating in meta tags. Use EditPad's 'Find and Replace' function to get rid of newlines and double blank spaces in your pages.

Content Management Systems are a great time saver. An amateur can set up a professional-looking site in a few hours. The problem is they contain lots of code that's irrelevant to search engines. The top of a CMS page may contain only a few words relevant to its subject matter.

Then there's the duplicate content problem.

- Blogs have duplicate copies of their own content; sometimes exact, sometimes excerpts.
- Thousands of people are using the same CMS as you.
- A search engine spider sees the same header, sidebar and footer content in every page in your site.

Result? Your page is down the SERPs for any competitive keyword. Assuming it's indexed at all.

These programs are written by geeks. Their primary aim is to eliminate code errors, and add features. Your marketing comes a very poor second. They're also posting security updates every few months. More hassle. For you.

Drastic solution:

1. Type your documents in a text editor like Editpad, then
2. Use a Text to HTML converter, then
3. (Use Dreamweaver to add formatting, then)
4. Use a index generator to make a HTML list of those pages, then
5. FTP them to your web site.


- Search engine spiders get to the 'meat' of your page immediately;
- You have more control over how the page looks;
- You have more control over what an SE 'bot 'sees';
- You're not relying on a MySQL database to maintain your site;
- Hackers won't be able to deface your site easily.

A clever webmaster would look into Conditional Server Side Includes. You can use them 'program' your web pages, while still presenting clean HTML to search engine 'bots.

And as for Microsoft FrontPage, I wish all my competitors were using it.

2. Get lots of links to your site.

- Submit articles to article websites;
- Pay freelancers to make software for you, and give it away free;
- Submit to the top directories, like Yahoo and DMOZ, but don't spend much time or money. Only half a dozen are worth a damn for SEO;
- Post in popular forums and blogs, if they will let you use straight hyperlinks in your signature;
- Be controversial - assault a few sacred cows;
- Do a press release, and think beforehand about how you can make it interesting to journalists;
- Make a better, faster, cheaper version of a popular product.

That should get you a few decent links. With millions of cheapo, 'me too', linkless sites out there, yours will stand out like a snowdrop on a dungheap.

3. Offer something people really want.

You like fuschia leg warmers. You think other people do too. You make a website selling them.

Cue sad disillusion.

People want money, sex, friendship, human contact, cars, drugs, health and happiness. They know what they want (not need, want). You've got to figure about a better way to satisfy that want, for a fat net profit.

Simple, ain't it?

Actually, yes it is.

Save time. Pick a very profitable, popular industry. Think up a way to give people a better product. Or faster. Or cheaper. Or all three! Research costs little. Thinking costs nothing.

Or just go off half-cocked. Employ a cheap, angry webmaster. Half-finish the site for a product you're not 100% sure there's a demand for. Then sit back and wait for traffic.

Then give up, go down the pub and gripe to your pals: "The internet's sh*t, innit?".

Funny thing about offering a popular good with a new twist; you get links without cadging them.

4. Be first with a new, popular good (or a smarter second).

MySpace wasn't the first social networking site, but they did it better. They designed it to be viral. Members could compete to get 'friends', and everyone wants new friends, right? Users could put anything they wanted online, even if it looked cr*ppy. Censorship was minimal. Result: Huge popularity, without needing the search engines.

Not easily done, but again, research costs little. Thinking costs nothing.

Stop the daily slog. Go for a walk. Have a long bath. Play a game of street-hockey. And see what pops into your head.

If you feel good about it the next day, it may be a good idea. Test it before committing to it. If it still makes you excited a month later, you may be onto a winner.

If complete strangers start feeling the same, you definitely are!

T. O' Donnell ( ) is a credit broker and curmudgeon living in London, UK.Vinny Blog69320
France Blog61891

Why Inbound Link From PageRank Zero Is Necessary?

Why inbound link from PageRank Zero is necessary?

Each website need inbound links to increase link popularity to achieve higher search engine ranking and traffic. Quality of link is measured by Google PageRank Higher is page rank the better is the inbound link. Now we will find is there is any use of getting inbound link from page having Google PR Zero. First we must understand the meaning of link popularity and Google PageRank

What is Link Popularity?

Link Popularity means how much you are known on the internet which can be measured how many sites or web pages linked to you. Link popularity is a measure of both the quantity and quality of sites that link to your site.

What is PageRank?

PageRank is measure tool of important of web page. Google PageRank can be defined as numeric tool from 1 to 10 to measure the importance of webpage. Google calculate the PageRank on the basis of quality of inbound links. Google PageRank is one of the factors for determining the search engine ranking of web page.

Search Engine's algorithm is always changing to find artificial techniques to inflate link popularity to get higher search engine ranking. Natural link building strategies involve getting inbound links from all type of relevant sites ranging from PageRank 0-10. Generally link buyer's or link builder ask for a link from higher PageRank to get quick link popularity which is unnatural. If you have get 100 links and got 90 inbound links from PageRank 3-4 it will clearly indicate that some link buying has been done or some non ethical techniques has been used by a website to create inbound links.

Therefore you must get at least 25% inbound links from relevant webpage have PR zero to make your link building strategies more natural. In our opinion relevance of site giving inbound link is more important than PageRank. Getting inbound links from PageRank 0 is important factor of natural link building or link popularity strategies and must not be ignored.

The Article is written by Submit Shop Team experts in Outsourcing Link Development and link development strategies. Visit for more information.Vivi Blog26756
Valery Blog42590

Journalism: Getting Your Foot through the Newsroom Door

As many as half of all graduates say they'd like a career in the media. That's a lot of graduates out there who want the same job you want or the job, if you are already working in the media, you currently have. I've heard this statistic banded about many times - often by editors or managing directors of newspaper groups justifying the poor pay journalists tend to get. I have no reason to doubt the statistic - I've met a lot of graduates who say they'd like a career 'in the media'. Most of them now work as management consultants, accountants, in advertising or in sales. However, even if many of those who want a career in the media never quite get there, there is a simple truth: the route to being an employed journalist is competitive and the going is tough (at first).

As is the case with all competitive environments it pays to ensure that you stand out from the crowd. But to know how to stand out from the crowd, you have to know what an editor is looking for from a potential candidate. Put simply, editors tend to be looking for:

A commitment to a career in journalism

Self-confidence that stops way short of arrogance

An eagerness to learn and a keenness to help and get involved

We'll focus on the top of the editor's wish-list first. Demonstrating a commitment to a career in journalism is vital and will be something all editors are looking for in any new recruit. The following steps all demonstrate a commitment to your chosen career:

Asking and undertaking unpaid work experience at a local newspaper

Working on a school, university or community newspaper or news-sheet

Finding a good news story and then phoning a newspaper with it whilst asking for work experience

Undertaking training to become a journalist at one of the many establishments that offer courses.

This not only shows you are committed to a career in journalism but also that you are willing to go to the financial expense of getting yourself ready to become a journalist.

Undertaking a degree in journalism or media studies:

Believe it or not, the last option listed above will be the least likely to impress an editor. Many editors are skeptical about the value of journalism or media-based degree courses. They are often tinged with more theory than practical tuition and cover the ethics and philosophy of journalism when most editors are more concerned with tight copy, written in a legally-sound way which will inform or entertain their readers. On a personal level, I think media studies and journalism degrees are excellent and, if combined with experience of working as a journalist, offer an excellent grounding towards becoming a considered and insightful reporter. But unless the degree includes a certificate to say you have got your shorthand speed to (ideally) 100 words per minute, a thorough grounding in media law and court reporting, a basic understanding of local and central government and proof that you know how to construct a news story, a degree in journalism or media studies is unlikely to lead to a job. Unpaid work experience, however, often leads to a job - though not on its own.

Work experience:

If you don't have a cuttings file (a selection of stories published in a newspaper written by you) then getting work experience is a vital step. Not only does it give you invaluable experience of trying your hand at journalism it also gives you the opportunity to:

* See how a newsroom operates and how a newspaper is put together

* Learn from experienced journalists and see how they handle different jobs Work out whether a career in journalism is really for you.

* Show a potential employer what you have to offer

* Develop a cuttings file of your own work under your own name

Getting work experience is reasonably straight forward. In most cases all you will have to do is ask. But you need to make sure you ask the right person so it is usually best to telephone the newspaper or newspapers you are interested in doing some work for and asking for the name of the person who deals with work experience candidates. Sometimes this is the editor, sometimes the news-editor and sometimes the chief reporter. When you write your letter asking for work experience, remember two main points:

1. Check and double check for any spelling mistakes - it is often a good idea to then get somebody else to check it a further time before sending it off. I have always avoided offering work experience to candidates who cannot be bothered to check their spelling before sending something off.

2. Keep it simple. Tell them you are interested in a career in journalism and tell them that, in the longer term, you would love to work for their paper. Highlight any skills you currently have that could be counted as a journalistic tool and tell them what your intentions are regarding training.

Usually this sort of approach will get you a period of work experience - usually a week or two. Sometimes, because newspapers have a lot of people wanting work experience, you may have to wait sometime before either hearing back or being offered a short term work experience placement. If you have a number of titles in your area, apply to them all.

When you are offered work experience with a newspaper, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to ensure you get the best out of the placement and that you show your best sides to an organization that is a potential employer. It is wise to:

Dress smartly and appropriately as you would for a formal job interview. You may be sent anywhere at any time and, even if you are on work experience, you are still an ambassador for the newspaper. If you end up shadowing an established reporter to court, you must wear a shirt and tie if you are male, or be smartly dressed if you are female. This sounds an obvious point but I've known work experience candidates turn up wearing jeans and tee-shirts and in one case a beanie hat.

Don't be afraid to ask questions about things you are unsure of and offer your help whenever possible. Help may include offering to get file cuttings from the library or even just making the coffee. The point is you want to come across as a keen learner who wants to pitch in.

Try to find stories both during the working day and outside of working hours. Most news-editors and editors would be highly impressed with a work experience reporter bringing in their own news stories. They may not get used, but they will get you noticed. If they do get used, however, they will be more than noticed - they will be appreciated and you will be held in increasingly high esteem.

Listen to everything that is said to you. When I first did work experience for an evening title in Yorkshire I was fresh out of Cambridge University and I was convinced I was one of the best writers in the country. I was wrong, and I did not have a clue how to write a news story. When this was pointed out by the news-editor I was taken aback at first but I quickly saw what she meant and tried my best to learn the craft from her and to learn fast. The golden rule really is to do whatever is asked and to heed advice . Be confident, by all means, but avoid coming across as arrogant like the plague. Remember, you are there to learn.

Always turn up on time. This sounds such an obvious point that you might be surprised it's in this list. Believe me though, it wouldn't be in the list if it wasn't a mistake I've seen made again and again. Try to be a little early and leave a little after you are told you can depart. Newspaper reporters have to be punctual in their starting times because many newspapers are deadline driven and news-editors need to be able to bank on staff being where they are supposed to be in case they need something covering at very short notice.

Be affable and upbeat. I've seen many work experience candidates sit quietly in the corner looking moody. I know that in most cases this was a sign of nervousness in a newsroom. Whilst I can sympathise with that, I would much rather help a candidate who is making an effort to be a pleasant presence around a newsroom.

These brief pointers should help ensure you get the best out of your work experience placement and that the newspaper gets the best out of you. Somebody who is remembered as smart, friendly, helpful, eager to learn and always turns up on time will be in good stead for a job when their training is completed. They are also the most likely candidates to be offered further work experience in the future. Exceptional work experience placements can also lead to a newspaper paying thousands of pounds to get you trained up as a journalist with the offer of a job at the end of the training. Not all newspapers offer this, but many do. Either way, work experience is the most important first step in becoming a journalist. The second step, of course, is learning the craft through training.

Getting trained:

There are hundreds of educational establishments out there offering courses relating to the media. They offer everything from degrees to home study courses. For newspaper journalism in the UK, the organization nearly all editors look to is the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ). In broadcasting there is the Broadcast Journalism Training Council and Skillset. There are other bodies in both print and broadcast industries but these three are generally the most respected organizations and qualifications accredited by them tend to hold the most sway with potential employers.

The NCTJ offers the leading training system in the UK and the pre-entry qualification to newspaper journalism is the one most newspaper editors expect to see before offering a candidate a job. I started out after completing my NCTJ course and while most journalistic learning is done through experience and on the job, the skills acquired on the NCTJ course were essential to preparing me for the proper learning to take place. The range of courses accredited by the NCTJ vary from year-long courses to much shorter 'fast-track' courses which last a few months. Either way, at the end you will have a good grounding and a qualification in:

Shorthand - the essential tool all journalists need in order to take down information and to quote sources accurately.

Media law - editors live in fear of law suits from people who have been defamed or from their newspaper ending up in contempt of court. Knowledge of media law is essential and you are unlikely to get a job without this invaluable knowledge.

Public affairs - all reporters need an understanding of the machinations of local and central government because they often form the grist of newspaper stories.

Writing - knowing how to write a news story is obviously a vital skill that all editors are looking for from their employees. The NCTJ course will hone your skills and teach you the basic style guide on which most newspaper writing styles are based.

Training can be tough and the courses thorough and exacting. During your course you, or those around you, will endlessly debate your current shorthand speed and get exasperated that it isn't close to reaching the 100 word a minute industry standard (for help with this click here). Shorthand is one of the most important parts of training to get right and, for most people, it is the part of the course that is both the most foreign and the part that raw intellect doesn't seem to improve. During the course, it is a wise idea to keep getting work experience or sending in good news stories to newspapers to help build your cuttings file and to maintain contacts within the industry.

Once you have a clutch of passes under your wing, and your shorthand at 100 words per minute (or near), you are ready to head out there and seek employment. Sadly, even with the proper credentials, competition for jobs can still be fierce. Years ago, when I was applying for jobs I sent out 61 application letters. I had one reply, which was an offer of an interview 200 miles from where I was living at the time. Luckily for me, this single response turned into my first job. But it took a few months of sending out on-spec applications to a huge number of newspapers. I hope you will not have the experience but, if you do, know that you're in good company.

As an aside, and because it is a question I've been asked frequently by raw recruits, I wanted to touch on the issue of where to start your career. Most, including myself, start out on local newspapers. But national newspapers also offer extremely good trainee schemes. Amongst most people in journalism training, the national press is held in much higher esteem. This is understandable - the readerships are (by and large) much greater, the stories tend to be greater in scope and scale, the pay is better and the scene is more 'glamorous'. Having worked in both the regional and national press I can see the merits in trying to start out in both. If I was forced to make a choice, I would always advise starting with a local newspaper. My reasons for this are simple. Firstly, you get to learn your craft within a defined community and, if you make a mistake, your community will be quick to point it out. This is a useful fact of life and constantly focuses the reporter's mind on the all important task of getting things right and making sure stories are accurate. Secondly, you will tend to get more scope to practice your new skills and cover a plethora of different stories. Thirdly, your chance of getting a front page story or a page lead (the main story on a page) in print is far higher. A friend of mine spent 18 months on a trainee scheme with one of the quality British broadsheet papers. At the end of the 18 months she had only a handful of stories of stories with her name on it - the one I remember best was an interview with a bee-keeper. In the same period, I had covered bus and plane crashes , murders, major education stories and an armed siege. All of my stories were national stories, but I was writing for a local paper (indeed some of them were bought from me by national titles).

I had about 50 or so front page stories and countless page leads in my portfolio. And my cuttings portfolio is nothing out of the ordinary for the local reporter. My friend on the other hand was a raw recruit in a field of highly experienced and very established (often specialized) national level journalists. The chances of her ever getting into print were slim when it came to writing hard news. I respect views different to my own, but I nevertheless hold firm to my view that the local press offers the best grounding in journalism. That, I feel, is demonstrated by the fact that nearly all of the reporters working for the national press started out on local newspapers.


Does having a degree help get a foot on the journalistic ladder? Not necessarily. It never hurts, of course, to have an expertise in some area to degree level and many journalists have degrees in subjects like history or English. For specialist titles it can pay to have a degree in, say, science or information technology. But for a general reporter a degree is by no means necessary. I have worked with many people who do not have degrees or A Levels and those people have often been editors or news-editors with a razor-sharp news sense and an incredible ability to generate and produce great news stories.

What is necessary is a good command of the English language and numeracy skills. Usually a GCSE qualification in English and maths is a requisite. But to get on in journalism a degree qualification will pale into insignificance compared with the following:

An ability to write accurately and quickly

An ability to generate news stories on your own initiative

An interest and knowledge of your own community

An ability to ask the right questions of the right people

Many people who have not gone into higher or further education have been picking important life-skills in the 'real world' which can become a real asset for a would-be journalist. The same goes for people wanting a career change into journalism. Such people are likely to get a warm response from editors, whatever their age might be. The reason is simple: mature candidates or those who did not go into higher education are likely to be more 'street savvy' than those fresh out of college.

Laurence Cawley is a professional journalist who has worked in the regional and national media for the past 10 years. A dedicated shorthand practitioner, he is also the editor of Blog6545
Farand Blog82475

The 5 Mistakes Internet Marketers Make In Email Marketing

Email marketing is great for internet marketing income. Realise what you are doing wrong in internet marketing!

1. First Name Basis

Using the first name in the subject box and in the e-mail is proven to generate more clicks in order for your subscribers to read the email. However, do not use too much of the first-name basis strategy in the subject box for every single email. It is a mistake Internet marketers do that tends to get over-used, making the subsciber uneasy.

2. Create a Powerful Headline

Most of the emails I used to subscribe to had headlines could make me sleep even before I could read them. Headlines must be powerful in order for the impact of curiosity to take place. Most Internet marketers focus more on the content of the email rather than the headline. Create a headline that attracts attention to the niche that you're in. If the headline said, "Jo Han, Maximize Your Sales Now!" This headline could intrigue entrepreneurs like me who want to expand their business and generate more profits.

3. A Content List

Most internet marketers do not feel the need to do this in email marketing. This is applicable only to short emails, but for long emails sch as a newsletter, it is more preferable to create a content list in your email. A content list is like a content page in a book, except in an email. Now creating content list in email marketing lets your subscribers know what you will be covering in your email. Create content lists that arouse the reader to further read the email for more effectiveness in promoting your product.

4. Your First Sentence

The first sentence in your email should leave your subscribers with an impact of curiosity to read on the rest of the email. Most Internet marketers just go straight into promoting the product without even invoking feelings into the subscriber. For example, there was first sentence in one of my emails that went like this: My Mega Birthday Blowout is now LIVE'. Now, if I am a subscriber, I'll be wondering, "What the hell is he talking about?" That subscriber will have no choice but to read on the email copy to find out more. No one wants to be left out of something that someone wants to tell them about.

5. The Content

In email marketing, when you are promoting your product in an email, the mistake a lot of Internet marketers make is to describe and teach what was in the product. Although a lot of knowledge is good, teaching them is not. Why would you want to promote your product in your email when you already have a website promoting it? You have to write an email copy that can make the reader excited, curious and eager to know more. And just as they are burning up for your product, provide them with the link to your website. Implement certain copywriting techniques in it. Learn more content generation and email copy techniques by subscribing to other Internet marketers' emails.

These five mistakes in email marketing that most internet marketers make is something that you should watch out for. Learning from mistakes are good in this internet marketing journey. However, learning from mistakes that might cost you your sales is something not to be reckoned with.

Rasheed Ali, known as the Solution Coach and is a masterful planner in developing successful email marketing strategies. Find out how he can make you discover the internet millionaire within! Visit his website at http://www.internetmillionairecode.comFaith Blog31884
Essa Blog62814

How To Hire A Copywriter

From a copywriter's point of view, it would be great if clients had a crystal ball that they could use to see which copywriter best suits their project. There are different types of writing and first-hand experience proves that only a handful of people really know there's a difference. To digress for a moment, we've even come across clients who think that web designers are supposed to write the copy for their web pages. Most don't. It makes sense. Web designers design. Web developers develop or write code, html or php, and build the structure of your site. So... that leaves you with your web content. Who writes your copy, and how do you publish web content that is going to attract web traffic and then persuade your web visitors to buy?

It seems so obvious, but the fact of the matter is, it isn't. A few years ago, I fellow I met said to me, "What does anyone need a copywriter for?" It's true. Copywriters were invisible, a behind-the-scene professional. Ad agencies used to be one of the only places you could find copywriters working, or at least working steadily. Look at Hollywood. For years and years, writers were not even recognized. Now, writers are not only recognized, but celebs go the extra mile to praise the writer associated with their project. This change in attitude toward screenwriters -- along with the Internet -- puts the spotlight on the value writers bring to a project.

When it comes to the Internet, I am happy to report that a professional copywriter is in high demand. The Internet is all about copy. Whether for web pages, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, banner ads or autoresponders, the words you publish make or break the entire investment. Big companies with inhouse marketing departments and agencies know when and why to call on the copy writer. But, here's the cause that no one talks about driving small business people to the professional writer. Everyone and anyone sees the words on your website. The world knows if the words on your home page are junk! How embarrassing is that.

With all this, there still comes the novice client who doesn't have a clue what the value of a good writer is. So from a copywriter's point of view, I have some tips on when and how to hire a copywriter.

A. When to hire a professional copywriter or scriptwriter

1) When you are in business

2) When you can't write and might be embarrassed publishing poorly composed text

3) When you don't have anyone working in your company that is a professional writer

4) When you expect a response

5) When you publish text on the Internet

B. How to hire a professional copywriter or scriptwriter

1) The first step is to hire the right writer for the project. If you want a writer to work on a software manual, look for a technical writer. If you want a news release, find a writer who specializes in public relations. If you want to sell, engage the services of an advertising copywriter or a commercial scriptwriter. By the way, the top two writers in business and industry are the direct mail writer and the scriptwriter.

A writer who is a jack-of-all types of writings is a writer who probably isn't an expert in the type of writing you're looking for. After all, even the profession of copywriting includes less than capable writers. Rely on that old adage, if you can write anything, you are good at nothing.

Look for a copywriter who concentrates on one objective and because of that, the writing skills are honed to perfection. Sales copywriting does include several formats, such as direct response advertising, direct mail, mail order, web site pages, email marketing, video scriptwriting - all formats intended to sell - and that's the domain of the sales copywriter -- also known as an advertising copywriter or business writer or just writer.

Advertising copywriters generally don't accept writing assignments for manuals, directories, books, news releases or short stories. Advertising copywriters write to sell!

2) Review writing samples, but keep in mind that copy is sometimes subjective. What's good for one may not suit another, but the project was still a huge success. Copywriting samples are not the end all for deciding who is a good writer. They serve to prove that the writer is a professional writer with several projects completed. The goal is to check that the writer has actually done work on the type of format you need. For example, a writer with a portfolio full of short stories is probably a good writer, but may not have the mindset or skills to write a direct mail letter.

3) Calling references is probably not going to bear much fruit either. I've made a few calls myself and have never heard one bad word. Actually, I can't think of one writer who would name a reference unless they weren't absolutely sure the referral would say glowing things about the writer and the work. But you can look over the company name. When a writer has a Fortune 100 company in their referral list, you've hit the jackpot unless writing fees are too high. And that brings me to the topic fees.

4) The thing about fees is that with copywriting like any other service, you get what you pay for. Low fees generally mean inexperience. Top writers are in demand and don't need to work for $15 an hour. If you want quality copy writing, higher fees are the price. But, that said, consider that in the 'high fee' category, there is generally a range. Top copywriter fees may vary from $30 - $120 per hour. The quality of writing may be the same, but the difference might be an independent writer with no overhead, as opposed to a writer who works for an ad agency with hefty overhead. Weigh all factors when considering your investment in an advertising copywriter.

5) Finally, learn about the writer. I don't mean pry into their personal life. Find out who they've done work for. Review a client list. Ask about previous employment if the writer is independent. Where did the writer get the experience.

When you find a copywriter that suits your needs, treat your writer like a valued part of your team. I'm adding this because I have experienced a few demanding clients who exceeded good will. Who hasn't? Your copywriter is a top salesperson, and should be treated with respect. Provide detailed feedback. Promptly. Pay on time. What you get in return is the best outcome possible.

Alexandria Marx writes for the Internet, collateral marketing communications, video scripts. Marx writings engage expertise gained from 20 yrs direct marketing and direct response copywriting, including 11 yrs writing web content and search engine optimization. http://www.copywritingservicesusa.comFanya Blog11210
Valentia Blog46951

A Blessing in Disguise: Credit Card Debt Management Services

Credit cards are the greatest innovation of the modern world. But as they say everything has its pros and cons. Overspending through credit cards has become a universal phenomenon. This is a trend not only among the working class but also students. It is a result of the fast pace of life surrounded by diverse necessities.

Professional debt management services can help you to manage your credit card debts in an effectual manner. The credit cards under the debt management program are usually debarred for usage. Any extra expenditure would not be feasible, as it would go beyond the stipulated amount.

Plastic money as the credit cards are usually referred to, can facilitate you with the financial freedom to spend on your necessities with ease. The problem arises when we realize, that too much spending has resulted in a pile of debts. In such a scenario debt management services can come to your help. It also includes credit counseling, which facilitates you not only throughout the management program but also to manage your fiscal well- being after the completion of the program.

Credit card debt counseling constitutes a vital part in managing these unpaid debts. Counseling can not only enable you to sort out your existing debts but also equips you to get your finances back on track. Experts can help you to chalk out a budget to match your situation.

Credit card debt management is an ideal solution to make your multiple debts manageable by consolidating them under one single debt. The debt management services, thus takes away your worry of tackling with different debts separately. It offers you with benefits such as lower interest rates, reduced monthly repayments.

Besides providing management services for credit card debts, these agencies can also lend a helping hand by negotiating with your lenders on your behalf for lower monthly installments.

With a swamp of lucrative credit card offers available in the market. One often gets tempted to apply for this plastic money. Hardly, realizing that indulging in too many credit cards can become an addition.

You can get access to these credit card debt management agencies with the help of Internet. All you need to do is access these websites, fill up a simple form including your personal information and how you utilize your credit cards. A financial expert would then get in touch with you to proceed with the management of your card debts.

Aldrich Chappel has been associated with Credit-Card-Debt-Management , since its inception. To find Cheap secured loan, Credit card debt management , Low cost secured loan, Homeowner loan personal secured visit Blog62814
Faustina Blog61783

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Use Self Belief To Shape Your Own Destiny

Of all the things that go towards shaping our destiny, it is our belief in our own abilities which has the greatest influence. Our level of self belief determines whether we succeed or fail to achieve our dreams and ambitions. As Henry Ford said "If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right."

I was watching a program on the Biography Channel the other day which illustrated the truth of Henry Ford's words and highlighted the importance of self-belief. The subject of this program dropped out of the educational system without a degree, in fact, he quit school before he even reached college age and left school with woefully inadequate qualifications. The reason for this academic failure was a combination of dyslexia and general lack of interest in school work.

Sadly, the lack of academic achievement was accompanied by a complete lack of prowess on the sports field. To top it all off, as well as being a dunce and a sporting failure, the poor kid was not even good looking. He did not have rich parents to give him financial support . His parents were not business owners, so there was no chance of a career via nepotism. He had no obvious skills or talent, so a career as an artist or musician was not an option.

This sounded like the stereotypical beginning for a person who will at best survive by taking low-paid employment and, at worst, will drift into a life of crime as a way of snatching what he is incapable of earning. His school headmaster is credited with saying on his premature departure from the education system, I feel sure you will either end up in prison or become a millionaire'. To entertain the idea that this person had any prospect of becoming a millionaire, you would have to know his character. We can only see the external disadvantages, the headmaster was aware of the strength of character and depth of self belief existing within this person. That self-belief more than made up for any lack of education and academic qualifications.

One thing the prospective jailbird/millionaire had was the ability to spot a niche for a new business. No, this is not a story of luck bringing an instant rags to riches transformation. Unfortunately his first two business ventures failed miserably. Did this set him on a path of serial business failures? Not at all, the failures probably taught him valuable lessons. He started the first business at the age of seven, so the chances of real success were pretty remote! The fact that he had sufficient self-belief to start his first business before he even reached his teenage years gives us a clue as to his character.

The condensed version of the rest of this biography is that the "hero" of the story built a successful business before he reached his twenties, was a millionaire by the age of 25 and was the owner of a Caribbean island before he was thirty. He did not stop working then, he went on from flamboyant success to even bigger flamboyant success, setting records and achieving the apparently impossible.

The subject of the TV program was Sir Richard Branson who is, at the time of writing, a billionaire several times over. He has attributed his success to hard work, belief in his business ventures and a willingness to take risks. These risks have included the well publicised (and life threatening) hot-air balloon journeys, starting a business on borrowed capital and taking risks in business where the potential losses were huge.

It is self-belief which made it possible to take those risks. Without belief in himself, Richard Branson would not have dared to borrow the money to start his first business as a magazine publisher after leaving school. Without self-belief the balloon challenges would not have been contemplated. Without self-belief the ambition to own an airline would have remained just a dream.

"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself". Those words were said by Muhammad Ali but they sum up the essence of what makes any person able to reach his goals in life. We must learn to sow and cultivate self-belief if we wish to achieve the harvest of our dreams.

For more about self motivation in business visit Elaine Currie's Work At Home Website: Find more information and articles at Blog27062
Fredelia Blog12145

Affiliate Revenue Information

In the huge and busy world of the Internet, many people are exploring ways to make money. There are thousands of opportunities to choose from. One major opportunity is to take advantage of affiliate programs.

What is an Affiliate Program? This is a program that allows you to refer a product(s) for a commission. All you have to do is setup a link to the website of the product(s) you are promoting.

What is the Benefits of affiliate programs? Since it is a partnership an establish company it's a win-win situation for both the program owner and the affiliates. When choosing an affiliate programs you can have your online business without the requirement of having your own products. The #1 thing about being an affiliate is that there thousand of free referral programs.

There are several way to promote your affiliate program(s). As mention earlier you can create a link on your website. Another proven way is to write your own article in a blog, ezine article or other free site that offer you the opportunity to promote your program.

These are the basics of starting your affiliate program. Now you are ready to start you part busness from home.

Laymond Drummond runs a website about affiliate revenue programs which provides information about affiliate marketing, reseller marketing and selling your own products. He is also a member of a number of affiliate programs that are too lucrative to even think about giving them up. If you would like to becoming a successful affiliate, visit Blog29705
Vanny Blog69142

Big Cash Express Rocks The Home Business Industry!

Big Cash Express is a powerful new company that recently launched and is breaking all records of growth in the home business industry. Their brilliant structure is designed to help an absolute newbie make money on the Internet.

The reason why people love this business is because it has an incredible product that is worth the price and yet you also get a home business opportunity that is quickly making waves in the industry.

Digital Gold the flagship product provides breakthrough Internet marketing. If you want to make money on the Internet, you need to know how! Most marketers, 95% of them, lack the marketing skills and training required to make serious money from home on the Internet.

Digital Gold is a comprehensive marketing system and Internet business in a box. Its a blueprint that anyone, regardless of skills or talent can follow. It is a system that will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step how to become financially free for life in 30 days. Members learn how to put the system on autopilot and be paid repeatedly for something they did only once.

The thing that stands out the most with Big Cash Express though is the amazing compensation plan that is in place. Its Duel Matrix Payout Plan is the talk of the industry. The first part of the plan is a 2x2 follow your sponsor matrix that members enter with a one time out of pocket product purchase. This gives you a position in the matrix in which you can earn $1200 over and over with each cycle, paid weekly. There is no limit to the number of time someone can cycle in a week.

The second part of the dual matrix pay system is the Company wide profit sharing plan. For the first time in history, instead of the company getting rich, they are giving back 95% of the profits to the members. This has never been done before. Members can earn up to $72,000 per month in PASSIVE, residual income without lifting a finger.

The founders of Big Cash Express have designed a system that literally removes every possible failure mechanism! Every person who joins has an opportunity to make thousands of dollars per week very quickly! This program is designed so that a compete novice can plug into the system and find instant success.

It has a structure that is guaranteed to pay out quickly and repeatedly. This structure has been proven by the experts to last for years because it is easy for everyone and promotes long-term stability.

Ralph Lampton was in the banking industry for over 30 years. For the past six years he has been a successful real estate investor and business consultant. He enjoys marketing on the Internet and helping other entrepreneurs start their own home business.Fallon Blog44071
Valene Blog10528

The Eight Ways Direct Response Radio Enhances DRTV Advertising Campaigns

Considering or currently running a DRTV advertising campaign? Heres why you should read this paper.

Direct response television (DRTV) advertising can be very effective at driving profitable sales. However the high cost of creating and modifying the ads and the lead times associated with DRTV leave room for another more nimble medium to serve a significant purpose. Radio fills that void extremely well, and done right it can significantly enhance the profitability of any DRTV effort.

DRTV is the bread and butter of any huge success. Why? Because you can make the most money the fastest via TV. Its also the most expensive and risky channel so one has to consider the risk/reward tradeoff. As youll learn, radio plays the role of risk minimizer thats why including radio in your marketing efforts is such a smart business move.

We routinely work with DRTV agencies to craft a strategy that allows radio to provide the most strategic value to a DRTV campaign. Below youll find out why the most successful, most profitable DRTV campaigns also include radio advertising.

Before You Launch How Radio Will Boost Profits

1. Radio will create a profit stream that can fund DRTV development efforts

DRTV development and media testing is costly and requires a long timeline. In contrast, radio ad development and testing is inexpensive and quick. What costs $100,000 in TV costs $1000 in radio. What takes 3-6 months in TV takes 2-4 weeks in radio. With these advantages, you can build a radio campaign that delivers profits that can finance the TV development.

2. Radio will provide a source of testimonials

Almost without exception, infomercials and DRTV spot ads are more effective if they contain real testimonials from real customers. Initiating a radio campaign prior to launching in DRTV provides a source of qualified, legitimate, authentic testimonials and as every DRTV creative agency will tell you, those characteristics will make for very compelling stories that sell your product.

3. Learn about customers with real data, and gather insights inexpensively

The radio ad development process will push your creative team to uncover the core customer insights that will drive the campaign, regardless of media channel. Therefore creative efforts in radio can be a valuable input into the TV ad development not that they will transfer exactly, but the core elements of the psychology behind the appeal of the product will become clearer. This will greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the TV ad development.

4. Refine the back-end of your campaign

There are many moving pieces to a successful direct response advertising campaign. The creative and the media are front end. The back end is comprised of areas such as sales, customer service, fulfillment. It can also include manufacturing and merchant processing. Leveraging radio allows you to refine many of the back-end details that go into making a campaign successful without the pressure that comes with a large ad development budget and large media buys. Refine the sales scripting, the offer path, pricing, and upsells so your close rate and average revenue per order are strong. Establish and improve the save the sale efforts in your customer service area. And fix any product or packaging issues that would drive a high return rate and therefore impede a rapid TV roll-out.

Already Running a DRTV Campaign? Heres How Radio Will Boost Your Profits:

1. Acquire incremental new customers

It is commonly known that Radio and TV audiences dont overlap very much. That means when you advertise with radio, you arent cannibalizing your TV sales. You are reaching a whole new group of customers. Nearly all TV campaigns reach a point where their results begin to fall off. If you want to maximize the profit of your campaign, and build the strongest brand, you cant do it without radio.

2. Establish a strong competitive position in the market

Youve spent a lot of time and money building your DRTV campaign and youre finally reaping the profits from it. Your media spend has grown and you know youre one of the top advertisers. So does the competition. If you want to establish a strong position in the marketplace verses the competition, leaving radio out of the mix is a terrible mistake. Many new entrants will look for that weakness, establish a profitable radio campaign and fund their competitive entry into TV. The next thing you know, your entry into retail is threatened.

3. Minimize call abandonment through efficient call center scheduling

This is particularly true for soft-offer campaigns which typically go to smaller call centers where staffing is a science based on the call forecast. Basic math says that radio will produce smaller call spikes. As a result, radio can smooth out the call volume and allow the call centers to effectively staff so they dont abandon the calls coming in off of TV.

4. Inexpensive means of ongoing creative testing

Fresh creative appeals are the lifeblood of all successful advertising campaigns. Without them, you have a flash in the pan campaign. With them, you have a long-running success that becomes a brand. Thats why ongoing testing is so important. Radio provides a low cost way to ensure ongoing testing of different appeals, offers, pricing, or packaging on a smaller scale before rolling out. And while radio campaigns can be set up as mass appeal like TV, but they also can be highly targeted. If you find that you have a certain common profile target customer that you are or are not capturing with TV, radios ability to target can be of significant use. Developing that area will further enhance your profits.

Brett Astor, Vice President at Strategic Media, Inc.,, has over 10 years experience in direct response radio and radio advertising.
James Clark, is a partner in Room 214,, search marketing and communications company, and co-brainchild of the Capture The Conversation search marketing video tutorials for public relations professionals and corporate communications managers seeking to learn and implement social media campaigns such as: blogging, podcasting, optimized press releases, RSS feeds and reputation management systems. James was a former public relations agency owner, whose mission now is to train and support PR agencies and entrepreneurs to integrate social media programs into overall strategic communications campaigns.Fara Blog54217
Fidelia Blog7043

Ezine Marketing, Another Low Budget Means Of Advertising

As its name implies, an ezine is an electronic magazine, or electronic newsletter, that is published and distributed through Internet, talking to your customers about your business.


Ezine marketing is other of the low budget and very good means of advertising your products or services that you can use to promote your easy home business on Internet.

The ezines sometimes named "news letters" are very popular among small business entrepreneurs, because ezine marketinng works, and that's why many times when you decide to publish your ad, you can find that there's a waiting list.

Just take a look at your favorite ezine... Are there any ads on it?

I'm sure you found many, and the reason for that is very simple: people put ads on the ezines, because ezine marketing get results.

Most ezines do not reach more than a couple of thousand of subscribers, so what's the secret of the ezine marketing? The secret is that when you put an ad on an ezine, you can reach your target audience, if the ezine has 3000 subscribers, you know in advance that 3000 targeted "might be customers" are going to see it. And this is the reason why the ezines and newsletters are one of the most effective ways to promote your easy home business.

Other very popular way of advertising on Internet are the banners, but compared with the high costs of web site banner advertising, ezine markering's costs are a bargain.


Is there a better option, than ezine marketing?

Yes, there is and it's to publish your own ezine.

I know that if you have never published an ezine, this can seem to be much difficult than it really is, but you will soon find that it's easy, and you can publish it weekly, biweekly and even monthly.

Your advantage?

* No printing costs
* No postage costs
* You can offer free subscriptions to engross your subscriptors list
* A regular contact with your customers/prospects, establishes both your reputation and your marketing expertise


If you are the ezine's owner you can obtain many advantages from it, like:

* You can be constantly in touch with your customers
* You don't need to pay for the ads you put on it
* You can keep your customers and prospects abreast of any new product or service that you decide to offer to them
* You can make money offering sponsored advertising
* Nothing helps you network like your own e-mail newsletter.
* If you supply an ezine with specialized information, you will be able to turn prospects into customers and will increase your Internet exposure through that platform.
* A regular provision of specialized information creates credibility among your subscribers and since you create a special relation with them, you will get a higher response rate from offers to your subscribers, than you would from offers to non-subscribers.


You can always manage and deliver your newsletter or ezine using some of the good e-mail programs like:

* Eudora: eudora dot com
* Pegasus: pmail dot com
* Infacta (ex Aureate Group Mail): infacta dot com

If you choose to start this way, you will have to send your ezine with the BCC (blind carbon copy) option, because this way you will be sure that every body receives his own copy without looking at the e-mail addresses of other people that receive the same ezine. Nobody wants to see that thousands of unknown people can know their e-mail address.

But if you really want to work in a professional way, the best program I can advice you to use is Postmaster.

Postmaster is a database management and automated follow up software which sells through a network of nearly 1000 Associate Affiliate Program Resellers. They pay you $60 for each referral sale that downloads from your FREE affiliate program's web site, and $20 on all orders, your resellers, you sign up, refer. Along with any other program, you're involved in, including USA America Hosting; your referrals will be placed in your group, earning you commissions. (See the link below to try it for free)


You can mail your ezine yourself or use one of the excellent software that I have mentioned previously, but the first thing you need to do is to build your subscribers list, and one way you can do it is announcing your newsletter, and you can do it at:

* New List: new-list dot com/
* Newjour: gort dot ucsd dot edu/newjour/
* Bestezines: bestezines dot com/

You can find more places searching for "announcement lists" at your favorite browser.

Another important way of promoting your ezine is including your ezine in the Directory of Ezines


That depends on your choice; if you decided to use programs like Postmaster or Bamboobiz online then you have to host your list on your PC. The advantage of this option is the easiness you will have to make any changes you wish to your database.

But if you rather give this task to someone else there are many options for you:


That will host your mailing list, and handle all the subscribe and unsubscribe requests for free and in exchange for their services, they will put a small 3-line ad, at the end or the top of every message that you mail out.

You will find this kind of service at:

* coollist dot com
* topica dot com/create/index2.html
* oaknetpublishing dot com
* groups dot yahoo dot com/
* bravenet dot com


Paid services will give you many additional features for a price range that goes approx. $25 per month for small ezines and can end up in the thousands for very large lists. (Many offer free trial), and the best ones I found are:

* constantcontact dot com
* topica dot com/
* listserve dot com
* bcentral dot com


Ezine marketing can be a very interesting means of promotion for your business, even if you don't write your own ezine.

Because if you learn how to use ezine marketing for your advantage, you can generate great traffic to your web-site, promoting your business with almost zero cost and get 10 times better results than placing ads in ezines.

There's a very simple technique to do so and consists in sending free articles to the ezines (almost every ezine owner wants to have new fresh and free articles written for him)

If you like this idea, there's a great book you can read about named "The ezine marketing machine" (link at the end of the article)


Another great way of growing your ezine is swapping ads with other publishers. This kind of advertising is free and your ad goes to a targeted audience: people who like to read ezines and are interested in the kind of topics you write in you own ezine, and this increases the chances of your ad being noticed.

And to finish this web page I'd like to tell you about a brand new, original, and totally FREE service that I use to grow my E-zine subscriber list.

It's a new system for E-zine owners to share their ad space with other E-zine publishers... and it works great!

With EzineADVenture you can get your own ad in front of an extra thousand, five thousands, twenty thousand, or even one hundred thousand or more E-zine readers literally overnight. And this PERMANENTLY!

You and I both know the importance of growing our database lists and subscriber's base. Well, now you can double, triple, or even quadruple, your subscriber base- and this for FREE! There's no catch. I'm doing this myself, and my subscriber list is automatically growing faster, I'm reaching more people every day, and it doesn't cost me one single penny... ... and it won't cost YOU a penny either.

Good luck, and once you have signed up to this excellent service, you may expect a special message from me...


There are many good ezines and newsletters on the net, and at this point I can't avoid mentioning to you that you can join for free to my Easy Home Business Newsletter

Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi

Dr. Roberto Bonomi is a successful e-book writer that shares his home business experience at: Blog5185
Vanya Blog61217
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