Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Network Marketing: Are you hunting or fishing?

Let's face it, Network Marketing deserves some of the bad rap it has. Every family has at least one pesky, used car salesman-like network marketer that pesters, bothers, annoys, whines, begs, and pushes their company and or products on their friends and family. They are like hunters, chasing down their prey. And when the prey says no and walks away, they move into stalking mode. They believe the old sales adage that it takes seven no's to get a yes, so they are now on the hunt, actively tracking down their prey. And the sad part is the prey they are hunting is probably the worst possible prospect. They aren't looking, they probably aren't ambitious, and most of the time they're not even interested. After a few months of chasing friends and family, the lonely hunter retires from the game, and often times ends up with a garage full product and an angry spouse.

This poor network marketer has gone out into the world, given the industry a bad name, and become an official member of the NFL, or "No Friends Left" club. And this is a common story in network marketing.

Unfortunately, this same person, given the right training and taught the right philosophies, could have just as easily had success. Often times they were just doing what their company told them to do, but here's a secret of the Network Marketing industry: what's taught on stage isn't what the big dogs actually do. And if you don't have access to the big dog, you don't get the secret sauce, the professional methods used to create six figure incomes.

The heavy hitters of Network Marketing aren't out on a Thursday night showing presentations to their family and friends. They don't need to pester their friends and family. They learned the magic secret of the industry, how to put the "Marketing" in Network Marketing.

Network Marketing is a business. It requires marketing. And the "average joe" that gets started in the industry usually quits in frustration before they ever come close to finding the hidden methods of marketing that rake in the big bucks.

So how do they do it? Well, the first thing that separates the heavy hitter from the bumbling amateur is their posture.

Rookies hunt. Heavy hitters fish.

There is a big difference between hunting and fishing. Hunters chase things. The things they chase run away. The chase continues until something is exhausted, dead, or both. Fishing is quite different. The fisherman sits on the shore in comfort and casts bait out into the water. The bait is enticing to the fish. The fish is attracted to the bait, and wants to take a bite. When the fish takes a bite, it's hooked. In other words, the prospect comes to the networker because the networker has something they want. And the bait is cast out in the lake among millions of fish, not into a bucket full of minnows.

Why don't network marketers fish instead of hunt? They don't know the rules of the game. And the internet has changed the rules. It is now possible, through the miracle of the internet and electronic media, to "cast out" your electronic bait, (your web-site or presentation), in front of millions of people, and wait for your bait to capture a prospect. A prospect is somebody that is actively looking for an opportunity. A prospect is ready and willing, they are just looking for the right company.

Network Marketing is a business of sorting and sifting, not hunting and tracking. And whoever sorts and sifts the fastest wins. As you read this, you are looking at a computer screen, and have an internet connection. That means you are connected to the entire world. You are within arms reach of over a billion prospects. You just need the right fishing gear.

The right gear for this new game of network marketing consists of:

==> A great company that you believe in.

==> Great products that you personally use and can endorse without hesitation.

==> A squeeze page or capture page

==> A compelling web-site

==> An autoresponder

Simple as it sounds, with these few components in place you can build a global network marketing empire.

So trade in your rifle for a fishing pole, stop chasing people, and commit to learn the new rules of network marketing, because not only do these new methods work, they are a lot more fun, and don't land you in the NFL club!

Copyright 2006 Dave Sherwin

Dave Sherwin is a full time Network Marketer who has discovered the secrets of growing an organization 100% on-line, and making money whether people join his organization or not. It's all explained at:Vernice Blog5185
Ethel Blog63132


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